Sunday, October 11, 2009

Continuity of Position Rotations

Greetings Cadets!

1. As you may already know, each LLAB Cadets are responsible for filling the positions of Deputy Squadron Commander (DSC), Squadron Standardization Officer (Stand-O), Deputy Flight Commander (DFC), Guidon Bearer (GB), Flight Standardization Officer (Flight Stand-O), Safety Officer (Safety), Motivational Officer (Motiv-O), Uniform Officer (U-F-O) and Drill and Ceremonies Officer (when situationally appropriate).

2. The minimum required positions are DSC, DFC, Stand-O, GB, Flight Stand-O and Safety. Keep in mind that even if a position is not required, it still has importance.

3. The Cadet responsible for the duties of each position rotates weekly, and all the "thus-so-far" learned information involving that position needs to be forwarded to the next respective Cadet, hence the derivation of "CONTINUITY". It is imperative that we look out for our fellow airmen, so passing along information and pointers is vital for the success of each Cadet. Please use the following posts as reference for Continuity and Position Rotation.

4. Any questions or comments, please post on this page or send me an email at For privacy concerns, I will not be posting my phone number on this blog, and I advise everyone the same.

Public Affairs Officer Assistant

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