Sunday, October 11, 2009

How to write informal emails

How to write an informal email on the listserve
Courtesy of C/Cox, posted with permission


Alright, so an informal email has very few requirements. There is no need for the activity, suspsense, fyi, or policy subjects. Those are strictly for formal emails. That includes the //SIGNED// stuff. Now, for the most part you use this format when sending an email out to a very small amount of people and doesn't meet any of the suspsense or fyi etc. requirements. You start the email by stating who your writing too and end by " C/(Your name) " and that's it. Nothing special. If you are unsure on what format to use when sending an email, especially if it is going to any POC members, make sure it is in formal email format.

Usually for something like this I would make it a formal email because it would fit for an "FYI" but I figured it would be better to explain an informal email in itself while writing one. So I hope this helps and everyone has a great week!



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